Uniform Information
School Uniform at Thomas Barnes Primary School
Uniform can be purchased at SK School Uniforms, Price & Buckland and SchoolWear UK.
Day Uniform
Black trousers or black pleated skirt or black pinafore dress
White polo shirt with school logo (logo not compulsory)
Green jumper or green cardigan with school logo (logo not compulsory)
In warmer weather, summer dress (green and white gingham) or black smart shorts please
Black shoes - preferably velcro fastenings or 'slip ons' rather than laces.
P.E. Kit
New PE T-shirt with logo (football shirt material) or a plain white T-shirt
New PE half-zip overtop (fleece lining) or a plain black zip-up hoodie
Black jogging bottoms or shorts
White or black trainers. Trainers with laces should be only worn by children who can do them up independently, otherwise they should have velcro fastenings.
Hair beyond shoulder length must be tied back.
Hair accessories must be green or black and any bows should be only of a modest size.
Studs only. Please consider carefully when you choose to pierce ears as it may preclude children from taking part in PE lessons. Children must be able to remove earrings by themselves as staff are unable to help.
Any other items, such as watches or FitBits, may be worn but school does not take responsibility in the case of loss or damage.